Most online marketers agree that it is essential to write a lot of copy to market the web business. Just do a Google keyword research, pick the top 100 keywords, write articles on them, publish them online, and you can be sure that your website will receive decent Internet traffic. But of course, writing all these articles is a lot of hard work. This is why we today have several article writing software products. These products make the job of a writer easier. But, is this indeed the reality? Let us find out.

What exactly is a article writing software, and how does it work? It is essential to remember here that there is no software that can write content. Some products claim that all you have to do is just put in a few keywords, and make some other selections, and the software will create the article for you. The fact is, our job would have been much easier, if we indeed had something like this. In reality however, these software products never work. Every business is different. The offer is always unique. By just including keywords, you can never get copy that speaks about your own unique business, or the offer you are making. This is the reason why no marketer worth mentioning will ever use them.

There is another kind of article writing software. These are known as spinning tools. Here, you will have to write one original article, and include it in the program. Once the article is in the program, you can select different synonyms to spin the article. At the end, you will have various versions of the original article that you included. Sounds good? There’s a problem here as well.

In a spinning program, the articles you have are all the same. It merely changes some words, and rephrases a few sentences. The approach is basically the same, and so are the issues it deals with. In other words, you are not offering anything fresh to the reader. So, for the reader, it adds zero value. Remember, these articles may not pass the plagiarism check as well, because, ideally, you should change every third word. Now, if you are changing every third word anyway, it is probably best that you rewrite it completely. You can then approach it differently, and include a fresh perspective. Your readers are bound to appreciate the value.

Yes, writing software can minimize your efforts. You can just write 10 articles or so, and then spin them to get 40 or 50 out of them. But remember, you must still write those first ten articles. And if you want all of your articles to be outstanding, and working as the sales representative of your business, then it is best to write them manually. Just imagine how it would be if you had fifty sales people out there promoting your product or service? The effect will naturally be much better.

So, never use article writing software. It never works. Always hire the services of a professional writer.