Search engine optimization is a process involved in improving the ranking of a website in all major search engines. If you have a big website, here are the advanced SEO tips for your site.

URL Rewriting

URL rewriting allows you to separate your website URL from the resource. This means that the resource and the URL can be of independent to each other. However, they are not completely independent. URL contains a code or number which enables the CMS to access the resource.

Meta Tags Optimization

Meta tags are the most crucial part of HTML code of your website. These tags are included in the header HTML code. By optimizing these meta tags, you can improve the ranking of your website on major search engines. To do so, you need to add keywords relevant to your website content in the meta description and title tag.

advanced seo tips

Content Optimization

Any kind of optimization brings effective result only in combination with unique and high quality content. The text should also contain keywords which can highlight its overall theme. Moreover, the content must be optimized in such a way that it is readable and understandable. The content should be written for visitors but not for search engines.

Xml Sitemaps

Creating sitemaps in the XML format for your website is extremely important. This XML sitemap can tell the search engine about your websites, their relative importance and how frequently they are being updated. Google has a huge variety of tools to create these XML sitemaps.


Robots.tet is found in the root director of your website. They regulate the robots that crawl your website. It helps you to deny or grant permission to specific search engine bots to access specific pages of your site.

Canonical tag implementation

There is a particular syntax to implement the canonical tag in websites with pages having similar content and a bit differing urls. By inserting this tag in a page that is less preferred, you can signify Google that this page has less significance and can also show pages that are much preferred that you need it to be indexed.

301 redirection

301 redirect is the very effective and a search engine friendly technique for webpage redirection. It is not very difficult to implement it and it greatly preserves the search engine rankings for particular pages. When you need to change the file names or want to move between pages, it is the perfect option. The code 301 indicates ‘moved permanently’.

Pagination URLs, Meta tags and Content

Most of the websites, especially ecommerce sites are promoting comprehensive range of products that they are forced ultimately to divide as multiple pages. This process is referred as pagination. On doing pagination, most of the pages include similar or identical content and normally the Meta description and Meta title also become similar between pages. When this occurs, google bot navigates across the pages that must return to search queries.

Filter URLs Canonicalization, Meta tags and Content

Canonicalization is the technique of picking best urls if there are various options, and it normally indicates to home pages. Filtering such canonicalization of URLs, content and meta tags will better optimize SEO.

Internal and External Link Building

Inbound linking to your web page or site aids a lot by means of SEO, mainly due to the reason that every link is a reference and the means by which the link is formed offers clues on what your website about. Both internal as well as external link building brings immense benefits in optimizing the search engine.